The Dark Side of Therapy

The Darkside of Therapy “Go see a therapist,” they said. “You’ll feel better,” they said. Well, take it from a therapist (who has been in therapy), there’s more to the story… If you think you’re going to go to a therapist, tell them your problems, get some quick answers that solve all your life problems, and walk out feeling better, you’re wrong. Here’s what actually happens in those “therapeutic safe spaces.” You’re Going To Feel Like Crap! Yep, it’s true. Therapy is exhausting. You’re Going To Look Like Crap, Too! Forget the eye make-up. Bring your jade roller for those puffy eyes instead. Those damn therapists find a way to get the waterworks going. It’s some kind of weird therapists sorcery. You walk in with some pep-in-your-step ready to talk about your new car and you leave looking like a hot mess. It’s Like Being Back In School. Homework? Seriously? I just gave you $150 and you’re telling me that the “growth” happens outside of session....