Sober And Still Unhappy

Sober And Still Unhappy You admitted that you have a problem, that you were powerless and all that jazz. You survived the physical detox process that, by the way, was not a mere "7 to 10 days." You're feeling like a crazy person. You're not exactly sure what serenity feels like, but this definitely is not it. Your emotions are all over the place. You can't cope with the slightest discomfort. Everything is stressing you out. Reading this article is stressing you out and you're ready for me to just get to the point, right? So, What Exactly Is Wrong With You? Dual Diagnosis...Maybe... When an individual suffers from both addiction and a mental disorder (such as depression or anxiety), it is called a dual diagnosis. The risk of relapse is high for those who are dually diagnosed unless the individual seeks treatment for both the substance abuse and the mental illness. According to Oltmanns and Emery (2007), approximately 40% of people with alcoholism hav...